To my faithful blog followers. I apologize...I have let you down. But - I'm back and I assure you that much life has been lived in the last couple of months. We've captured many memories, but not many photos, we've started back to school and I've landed a new job that has me working about 20 hours per week. So, we've been...adjusting...
But I'm back and I'm hoping it will stick. First, a couple of updates:
a) My job - it's fantastic, I love it, and I'm challenged in a way I haven't been in a long time. My brain might not rot away after all! ;) I'm a credit and debt counselor for an agency in MA. ( It's non profit, and I have the privilege of giving people (sometimes hard) truth about their finances. To know me is to know that this is a perfect fit for me. I'm blessed yet again!
b) Levi - What a kid! He's a great, spunky soul who continues to be a joy in our lives. We are finalizing his adoption on Tues, 10/27/2009. It is the last step in a wonderful, winding journey and we are thrilled that everything will be "official", though it's been official in our hearts for a long time. Today, we celebrate 1 year since we signed the first paperwork to bring Levi home. What a ride - what a year - what a joy. I could never, never have imagined that so many blessing would be possible in one lifetime...
c) Ella - She went short! (her hair that is...) It's adorable - SHE'S adorable! I'll try to take pics soon and post them. She recently had to do some homework for school and it was an "observation of a leaf". In the assignment, it asked how the leaf "smelled". Admittedly, it's on odd question. But when I was looking over her work and saw what she filled in, I laughed out loud. "Like a hot dog." was her answer. Recently, she also went to Build A Bear for a birthday party and while all the other little girls came skipping out with bears and bunnies they'd made, out walks Ella - with a TURKEY under her arm. That's my girl - so sweet, so interesting, and not afraid to be a non conformist.
d) Ben - if you are looking for Ben, it's best to start at the Lego table. It's usually where we find him. However, over the last few weeks, we've discoved (with a little work and suggestions from friends) that Ben loves to read! These days, he starts his day by coming downstairs after getting dressed to indulge in his newest love - and we are having trouble keeping up with the library visits! He has been an incredible big brother to Levi - in ways we couldn't have imagined before Levi's homecoming. Each Friday night, Levi has been reluctant to go to the childcare provided by our small group. So, we've commissed Ben (with a very small money incentive) to chase after Levi for those couple of hours. He plays trains, and cars, gives him snacks (he's found candy works well!) and Levi LOVES it! They have a couple of matching shirts, and they love wearing them. It's just amazing to think that these boys didn't know each other 1 year ago and now they are best buds.
e) Generally, we are doing great! We hard our first snow, and the kids went outside and relished in it while the grown ups moaned at the thought of another winter. Oh - to be a kid again!
I'll leave you with a picture of Levi and I enjoying that "snow" and his very fluffy coat. I'll update very soon with a few more pictures of the kids...
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