Tomorrow morning, when you wake up, Levi will be starting his journey. He will travel 30 - 35 hours from Foster home to our home. We are praying for safe travels for him. But - we have someone else on our minds. His foster "uhmma", "apba" and sister. Ms. Kim has been caring for this sweet child for 8 months now (since he was about a month old), and she will be saying goodbye in a few short hours. I can't imagine doing it to be honest. It brings tears to my eyes to think about how difficult it must be for her. We have so much ahead of us, and we don't want to forget this amazing woman, who voluntarily cared for our son, knowing that he would never be hers forever. Thank you Ms. Kim. We know that your loss is our gain. We are eternally grateful.
Hello Angie - I am a waiting mom in upstate NY (also with Love the Children) and I came across your blog. Best wishes to you this week and congrats on welcoming Levi home to your family! I too feel so much love to our son's foster mom. Your words really hit home :)
Take care! Alicia
you know, we don't even have a referral yet, but i say a prayer every single day for the family that might already be loving the baby boy or girl who will become our son or daughter, brother or sister. thank God for these amazing foster families.
How wonderful to have a photo of Levi's foster mom and sister. I'm sure it makes things seem so much more real and at the same time hard to imagine the loss that she will feel. What generous and amazing women these foster mothers are.
I can't wait to see those photos of your new family of five!
Enjoy your date night!
I am extra emotional today and reading this just sent me over the edge. So true. THAT is the only thing that makes me sane in this process,is the fact that I have no doubt that our kiddos are so loved and a part of a beautiful family in south Korea. Thank God for that! I love that your fostermother has a daughter too -- you know how those little/big girls love to baby babies! He was way spoiled, i bet :)
Hi Gerrards. We are holding you and Levi up in our prayers. We are so excited for you and for little Levi. We will be praying for a smooth transition for all involved in loving Levi! With love, The Fitzies
this is so great Gerrards!! i'm thankful with you for the foster-mom and sis Levi has enjoyed for the very beginning of his life. HOORAY for tomorrow's big meeting!
Our prayers are with Levi and his loving foster family! Our prayers are with you and your excited family! Travel safe and we can't wait to see his little face!!
Love you all Shel, Dan and Abbie
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