Well, I spent most of Saturday morning and afternoon putting my life in order, and Saturday night and Sunday starting to put "the loot" in order. I just have to say...We have great friends who are helping us fill his drawers, make our home more fun with toys, and who are helping us think about and do all the things I just won't get to. I guess all that "cleaning out the closets" stuff is going to have to wait a few more years as well. :) I also lined up a DATE NIGHT for Steve and I tomorrow night. We have a little Korean/Japanese restaurant in Natick we have been meaning to try out.
So - with no further ado, pictures of our kids enjoying the toys (we are already a little sick of that mechanical baby music we'd almost forgotten!), our NEW stroller, all the baby clothes (washed and ready!) and all the stuff. Who knew such a little person could need so much stuff!!??
hooray! theo had the little monkey robeez when he was a baby... only in red! so cute, all of it! (especially the big brother and big sister i see, just waiting for their baby brother!!!)
Is that a matress I see?? WOOHOO LOL! I am so happy you had a few more days than most i see, looks like you needed it. My kids have the same "big brother/big sister" shirts :)
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